Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What makes a person stronger?

Everyone in life wants to be successful, but most of the time we have someone holding us back. How could someone who's isn't emotionally strong deal with those voices telling them they won't succeed? How do you feel when someone targets your character and is trying to stop you from being you. Going for a walk or going to sleep are common ways to escape from the "real world," but how could someone become stronger if all they do is run away? 

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. 1. A person should ALWAYS have confidence and a good self-esteem.
    2. Once a person is able to accept themselves for who they are and all their different qualities then they can grow on from that and more forward.
    3. Finding the inner will power to fight the road block is key.
    - A person needs to surround themselves with the type of people who are positive. By seeing what is around them will be motivation to succeed in life and that if a "normal" person did it too then the individual can as well. Believing in yourself is very important. If you believe in yourself then your giving yourself more strength to fight the road block. The world is in our hands and we've been giving the power to mold it into something extraordinary. We must take advantage and reach to the greatness that is just fighting to come out of us!
