Thursday, September 13, 2012

How well do you know what you think you know?

My Vocabulary Stories 
(trying a new way to memorize these words)

Throughout the day, I felt like many students didn't show academic acumen. Their thinking process was in an anachronism, causing them to not be the loyal students they normally are. How can teacher's adjudicate this problem? Communicating with the class and noticing when they start to fade away can be the disparity they are looking for. The students who don't dissimulate their minds have a higher chance of grasping the concept the teacher is getting to in the lesson. Instead of being apocryphal and saying "my dog ate my homework," the students should do what they're supposed to so that they don't walk in with blank stares the next morning. But if you walk in the next morning thinking your flamboyant outfit will distract us all, think again. One must immolate sleep for success not for an extra hour of hair curling. If your grade is more fulsome than the person besides you, stop talking about Homecoming and focus on Beowulf. Make a decision that's empirical, what are you doing wrong?

Did you know that, "working as a liaison reqers [sic] one to intervene with the U.S. and Afghanistan." I'm sure you did since we learned that in history almost a year ago. But if you didn't remember don't try sublimating your emotions, you weren't the only one. Boring is the mot juste for history and probably why most of us chose to not be part of its lackey party.

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