Here is a link to the Beowulf Essay Topics that were addressed in this video. (Also re-written underneath)
Here is the Beowulf Video Answers. The quality of this video is not the greatest and there are some audio difficulties, but I will note down everything as soon as the get the chance. (: (I rewrote the class answers as I heard them in the video since only the first 10 minutes of the 20-minute-video is view-able)
Literary Elements:
- If you had to list 4 important qualities for an epic hero to possess, what would they be, based on your reading of Beowulf? Find a passage to illustrate each characteristic. Find passages that illustrate the characteristic of an epic poem. Courage because he has to go up against opponents who are greater in size and strength. Honor because he has to have heart in what he accomplishes. Intelligence because he needs to know how to defeat what he's going up against.
- Observe the poetic/literary devices of the poem. Find examples of kennings, similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, assonance, alliteration. Explain the effect on the experience of the reader of the use of these devices. Kennings: (something said in a different way ; other descriptive words) "battle sweat" is blood ..."king of glory" for God Assonance: (set of words that have the same content within them) Alliteration: (set of words that all begin with same letter)
- What about the use of the language is simply enjoyable? Cite examples of imagery and its effect in the poem. Why are alliteration and other language devices used in the poem? Imagery: Grendel was portrayed as a fierce beast so when defeated the accomplishment was greater for Beowulf. The lake since it took a while to explain in the poem giving the audience suspense. Alliteration: Probably used for oral memorization since nothing was written down in that era. Also, since royal names started with "H" maybe that was purposely done because it was passed down orally between common people making it easier for them to remember the importance of each character.
- Identify some of the key lines or passages in the poem and explain why you think they are important. Ex: "......" first few lines of the book give idea of courage, courage is a main key to the story, audience first get's introduced to the main idea of courage Ex: "....." said by Beowulf, explained his strength compared to other people [refer to the video]
- An elegy is a poem mourning or lamenting the dead, that tells of things past, and describes a person's death and burial. How does the ending of Beowulf fit this definition? Find passages to illustrate. People acknowledged Beowulf for dying with glory and leaving a treasure behind. His story was told for all to know since his heroic actions got him praise as shown at his burial.
- Find examples of irony... verbal ...dramatic ...situational. How does the use of irony influence the poem?
- What is a didactic tone? Find examples in the poem. Didactic tone: is intended to teach Ex: The scene where Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother.. His sword is not working to defeat Grendel's mother, but when he spots a sword he can use he strikes back thus winning the fight. (you can learn to never give up even when it feels like the end)
- Given the bipartite construction of the poem, how is Beowulf in the second half of the poem different from the Beowulf in the first half of the poem? Find a specific passage to illustrate. How are the two Beowulf's similar? Find specific passages to illustrate. Differences: In the second half he's wiser since he decided to fight with armor on when in the first half he fought without protection. Similarities: They are both arrogant and cocky.
- Describe Beowulf. Is he a flat or round character? Static or dynamic? Contrast the young Beowulf in the first half of the poem with the older Beowulf in the second half. When contrasting younger Beowulf and older Beowulf, the younger one decided to fight without any armor on but when fighting the dragon he did have armor on. He became wiser throughout being king in his kingdom. He is static because he keeps his arrogance and his independence stays, though he's also dynamic because he became wiser throughout the time period. [listen to audio 14:38] mentions how his reputation changed
- For what is the character Beowulf admirable? What other characters are admirable or dishonorable? For instance, what do you make of Unferth? Explain your position with support. Even though he is out for his own glory he is out to help people ...his men, both times, fled making them dishonorable ...Grendel's mother revenging the death of her son is admirable ...Unferth is a foil for Beowulf but also a neutral character because when Unferth was drunk he "called out" Beowulf thus Beowulf responding with what he did having more to say than Unferth in the end.
- Does the story contain foils to Beowulf? Could Wiglaf be considered a foil to Beowulf? Explain by referring to a specific passage. Foil: prevent something from succeeding ...Grendel is considered a foil because when Beowulf was mentioning the good in humanity, Grendel was saying all the negative in the world ...Wiglaf was against Beowulf succeeding saying he couldn't win because he has lost before and will lose again.
- Define hubris. Does Beowulf possess bubrid? Fond passages to illustrate
- Discuss the roll of and outlook on women in the poem. Compare and contrast the women (Welthow, Higd, Thrith)
- Explain some of the family relations and the role of family, clan, people group in general in the poem. How does this information add to or detract from the poem?
- Does Beowulf have a universal theme or message? If so, what? Support with a specific reference to the poem. Universal theme because it shows faith, confidence, physical courage because he fights with bear arms the first half of the poem.
- Is Beowulf relevant today? Is it universal? what does it teach? What are the themes? Support with specific reference to the poem. Yes, because Beowulf didn't have any super powers and was only a person of courage and strength. Teaches ignorance because it shows how he was in the beginning compared to the ending Beowulf.
- What lessons for life could you learn from Beowulf? Build your case by citing features of the poem.
- What is the importance of frame and/or wealth-treasure in the poem?
- What is the role of God and fate in explaining how and why things happen in the poem? Who controls people's live? Wyrd? God? Find evidence of the Christian/pagan tension in the poem. What kind of universe is revealed in the poem? What kind of God? How is evil planned? In your view, does this approach to understanding life sufficiently explain the way the world works? What role does the Christian background play in the poem? Does this add to or detract from the poem.
- Relate Beowulf to other pieces of literature you have read. The Odyssey because both are heroes and they both take on adventures that endanger their lives.
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