Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary # 3

accolade- an award granted as a special honor / an expression of praise or admiration 
-The student was given many accolades for his academic performance in school.  
acerbity-  a sharp bitterness 
- Her acerbity was shown through the sharpness of her eyes. 
attrition-  gradually reducing the strength of something through pressure.  
- About a third of the jobs will be lost through natural attrition
bromide- a person who is platitudinous and boring 
-Most try to avoid a person with a bromide personality. 
chauvinist-  A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism 
-She accused the employer of being a male chauvinist after not being offered the job. 
chronic-  Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring 
Chronic illness also seems to be evolving rapidly. 
expound-  Present and explain systematically and in detail  
-The newspaper expounds global issues into curious minds. 
factionalism- The splitting of a group into factions; Conflict between factions.  
-Factionalism has cause the government to spiral downwards. 
immaculate-  Free from flaws or mistakes; perfect 
-I thought my essay was immaculate, until I got it back and saw it was marked over in red. 
imprecation- A spoken curse 
-The imprecation of the apple caused snow white to go into a deep sleep.  
ineluctable-  Unable to be resisted or avoided; inescapable  
-He was forced to the ineluctable conclusion that his wife had murdered his best friend. 
mercurial- Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes 
-Because she is bipolar, her mercurial mood kept everyone on their toes. 
palliate- Make less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause. 
-The medical staff used strong narcotics to palliate the terminally ill patients pain. 
protocol- The established code of procedure or behavior in any group, organization, or situation. 
-It is a protocol for the doctor to examine you before you receive a prescription. 
resplendent- Impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous 
-The Pastors daughter was supposed to be resplendent in her virtues.
stigmatize- To set some mark of disgrace. 
-Although she was a bright girl, cheating stigmatized her reputation with the professor. 
sub rosa- Happening or done in secret 
-The confession to his priest was sub rosa, therefore; inadmissible to use in court. 
vainglory- Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements 
-His vainglorious touchdown chant caused him to lose many fans. 
vestige-  A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists  
-The only remaining vestige of Jesus is the Bible. 
volition- the act of willing or choosing 
-Enter at your own volition.

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