there any factors that you think are going to affect your
participation or experience in this class? (Access to a computer,
cell phone, transportation? Family that can help or hassle? Friends
that can help or hassle? Scheduling factors that can help or
- My daily schedule might be the only factor that has a dramatic effect on my experience in this course. Due to my home situation, I'm pretty much out of Internet reach until I get home in the evenings. Since I won't be able to go on the blog right away I know I'll miss out on opportunities to express myself. My family is supportive of me taking the course, but the amount of time I put into the blog makes my parents a little uneasy. When I do have the chance to view the blog, I'm on it without a doubt. The fact that theirs much to do scares my parents and myself because it's barely the first week and I'm already staying up late. My job in the school cafeteria might also be a concern, but hopefully with the plan we came up with my mornings run a bit smoother.
of an awesome (or the best ever) learning experience (or an
experience where you changed) What was it you learned? [call it X]
Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you
anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or ?) How did you
know what was happening?
- The best learning experience I've had so far, has probably been through the camp I attending the summer of 09'. (Two weeks prior to my freshman year) There I mixed with a crowd of new faces and personalities. I was able to build my own character and bring that person to the table. Through activities and lectures, I learned how to become a leader. In fact the camp was called 'Future Leaders Of America. I didn't realize the knowledge I was getting until much later, because at the time it seemed like pure fun and games. The activities had us become each others teachers and it gave us an opportunity to put our communication skills to the test. By us becoming the teachers and not the students, I saw how important it is to grab your audiences attention and keep it.
are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you
look forward to in learning? How do you think it can/will make
a practical difference in your life?
- I'm excited about the technology! I'm looking forward to seeing how much knowledge I will gain in only the first semester of this course. This is a newer way of teaching, and I want to make sure I'm on the same path as it. Spending most of my time on the internet will take some getting used to, but I'm positive that Dr. Preston will help us understand the importance and value behind all this. I'm a little worried about how fast the course might go though. I prefer taking my time and going over things twice before I can move on to the next thing, but this time around it's not about me. I have to learn to push myself and that's really where I see my appreciation for this course coming from.
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