Monday, January 28, 2013


1) I have been reading before I go to sleep and when I have time during the day. I'm trying to read as much as I can so I could finish by the weekend. 

2) AP questions 
What was Pip hoping to get from Miss Havisham and what does he really get?
Why does Pip lie about his experience at Miss Havisham’s? 
What person reappears in London?
Who is the real source of his fortune and who did he think it was from?

3) Testing Method: Essays
Essay Question 1:In the original ending of Great Expectations, Pip sees Estella in London in the company of her husband and her children. Dickens was advised by a close friend that this was not how readers would want the story to end, so the ending was changed to the now published ending. Evaluate the purpose behind Charles Dickens' original ending. Which ending completes the story more fully? Which ending makes the most sense to you as the reader, and which ending most efficiently potrays the key themes of the novel? Use the text to support your response.
Essay Question 2:Miss Havisham is heart broken and left in a disarry on her wedding day when her fiance leaves her at the alter.  Coincidently this "fience" is none other than Compeyson.  In her rage at this situation Miss Havisham adopts Estella to use her to get back at men.  Do you think that this justifies how Estella acts or is her manner just naturally how she is? Do you believe that Miss Havisham has the right to corrupt someone elses life and use them for her own selfish purposes?

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