Monday, March 11, 2013

Journal-- March 11

Describe and explain the father/son reunion in Ch 10 of Brave New World.

When John enters the room, the first thing he does is go to the Director. He then falls to his knees and repeats the phrase "My Father." The Director didn't know how to react to having a son thus entering shock. He had just "united" with Linda when he found out John existed. Being a boy who was denied a relationship with his father, John did his part when uniting with the Director. He was happy to have finally meet the person his mother talked about. Even though the Director didn't react like the normal father would when meeting his son for the first time. Considering father mean something else, the Director became embarrassed as he heard the words and crowds laughter.  It was an awkward situation for everyone. On one side you have two people that were living under different rules & then you have the director. A person who has changed the meaning of every word. In the Director's world, people don't have babies. The words mother and father have weird meaning. People there aren't supposed to get attached to others. John has lived a life under his mother's wings. She has been his mother --loved him, cared for him. It's understandable why the Director felt embarrassed and ran. He was John's father. He did the abnormal and had a child with Linda. His views on life will restrict a relationship between John and him. If he gets attached it will go against everything he worked for.

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