Thursday, May 31, 2012

1st Assignment: Orientation Video

Any AP course is a risk to me because I know I'll be competing with the "best." I decided to take AP English because I'd like to better my writing. I need to challenge myself in order to bring out my writing abilities and by what I've heard this course is all about that. Speaking up may be something I'll have to adjust to, but I'll try my best to bring an open mind to class everyday. I'm excited to see how Dr. Preston is going to test our abilities to learn and how he's going to help us overcome many obstacles. 
By the end of this AP course I expect to learn the meaning behind Dr. Preston's way of teaching. I'd like to learn how we are going to make a difference in this new world and how our contribution will better the knowledge of those who are curious. My goal is to absorb as much as I can so that when I'm off into the real world I'll be able to share my knowledge with those who's paths I cross. 

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